At Blue Mountain Massage Therapy we provide quality, client-centred massage therapy to people of all ages and abilities.

Massage therapists work directly with the tissues of the body, using many different styles and techniques to ease pain, improve mobility and reduce stress.  There are no cookie cutter massages here, each treatment plan is designed with your needs and therapy goals in mind whether it"s lessening the aches and pains of pregnancy,  getting back to normal after a car accident or reducing the effects of stress.

At Blue Mountain Massage Therapy all treatment is performed in the safest, most respectful manner possible.   We work with the whole person to improve your overall health and well-being and we also give you the information and tools you need to continue with self-care at home.

Give your body some care and attention today.  Book an appointment and let us help you to get to your best self.

Lisa Cohen, RMT